• LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Friday, May 24
  • GRADUATION May 26, 7:30 @Ford Stadium
The News Source of Plano East Senior High School

Panther Prints

The News Source of Plano East Senior High School

Panther Prints

The News Source of Plano East Senior High School

Panther Prints

Celine Tan

Celine Tan, Reporter

Celine Tan is a junior in the IB program and a writer for the Panther Prints. She loves STEM courses and wants to major in Chemical Engineering in college. While engineering may be her passion academically, writing has always been a way for her to creatively express herself, which is why she decided to join the PESH newspaper this year. Her goal is to learn what it means to be a journalist, hone her writing skills, and meet many new people. Although she spends a majority of her time frantically studying, in her free time, she loves listening to music (especially Taylor Swift), reading novels, baking sweet treats, and scrolling through Pinterest. She is excited to collaborate with the rest of the staff to create captivating articles and make incredible memories!

All content by Celine Tan