The Cultural Blender of PESH


A culturally diverse array of students gather at a recent NHS meeting.

International Baccalaureate freshmen walk through the doors anxiously for the first time, not knowing what the future might hold. Although they know that the program will exceed their previous educational experiences, and will prepare them for future academic challenges, they are unsure of what to expect on the first day. Already lacking the stature of the older students, they walk around looking for someone to relate to. Even if they don’t find a friend immediately, they will at least find comfort in seeing someone that looks like them.

Strolling down the hallways, students can see a melting pot of cultures completely different from their own. Even though students often have a tendency to hang around their own groups, the mix of races encourages students to branch out of their comfort zones and learn about others. This diversity can also give the school a unique education about society that students would not find elsewhere.

According to IB sophomore Kevin Gadiraju, he enjoys having different cultures because it allows him to “get a better understanding of the world.”

“So far, I haven’t been in a classroom that isn’t diverse,”

— Freshman Sasha Scott

Despite the different cultures that the IB Program brings to the school, the area that students live in has a diverse population already.

According to the Huffington Post, the increased diversity in the area has to do with the immigration that we receive from south of the border, as well as the optimal housing market. Texas is definitely becoming one of the most diverse states in the country, and the school is a perfect representation of that growth.

The school’s diversity has the potential to give students a different angle on how to perceive the world, preparing students for future encounters they may be faced with.

“[We] can have many different cultures,” Gaduraju said.

Students’ exposure to different cultures can be important in the long run, as the country becomes even more diverse everyday. According to by the year 2060, America’s ratio between races may be dramatically different. Even though the white population will likely continue to be the majority, America will possibly gain people from many different areas of the world.

With the Middle East refugee crisis, it is likely that diversity will experience an even greater surge in the future than Americans expect.

The diversity here rivals other schools in Texas, and the IB program is a great contributor to the unique demographics. In addition to bringing different races of people, the program also brings in different points of view as the school gains students from other sections of Plano.

“So far, I haven’t been in a classroom that isn’t diverse,” IB freshmen Sasha Scott said.


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